666135 rule34A chart displaying the pornification levels of the female DC Comics characters. (Read methodology in comments.) [DC Comics] by sugnimmingus
658127 rule34No. 3: A chart displaying the pornification levels of the female Fate characters. (Methodology in comments.) [Fate] by sugnimmingus
678147 rule34No. 4: A chart displaying the pornification levels of the female Genshin Impact characters. (Methodology in comments.) [Genshin Impact] by sugnimmingus
645114 rule34A chart displaying the pornification levels of the female Animal Crossing characters [Animal Crossing] by sugnimmingus
664133 rule34No. 2: A chart displaying the pornification levels of the female Pokemon characters. (Methodology in comments.) [Pokemon] by sugnimmingus
646115 rule34A chart displaying the pornification levels of the female Avatar characters [Avatar the Last Airbender] by sugnimmingus
646115 rule34A chart displaying the pornification levels of the female Fortnite characters (Sugnimmingus) [Fortnite] by sugnimmingus
632101 rule34A chart displaying the pornification levels of the female Warcraft characters. [Warcraft] by sugnimmingus
653122 rule34A chart displaying the pornification levels of the female Mario characters. (Methodology in comments.) [Mario] by sugnimmingus